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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»«as»
- «»
- «c1»«c7»Not much has changed since I wrote my last report one year ago.
- Long gone are the old famous danish groups like «c6»Kefrens, Balance, Polka Brothers,
- The Silents, Passion, Disaster and Impact «c7»to mention a few. And the "new"
- heroes are «c6»Loonies, IRIS and Depth! «c7»The rest are rather inactive, so I'll just
- concentrate on the familiar groups the latest time. The information below is
- probably not 100% correct, so please send your information to correct me and update me.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»CROMATICS:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- The "new" Cromatics released a couple of productions, and Dansktoppen
- was one of them. It was made in cooperation with Unique! They also arranged
- the party TRSAC, but died short afterwards.«»
- «»
- «al»Homepage: www.cromatics.dk«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- They first came to my attention at the Scene Meeting'99 when they released
- an intro which came second. After that I can't say I've seen or heard anything from them.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Rouge The Intro«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Rachael and Obscure?«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»CUTE:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- They released an intro at SM'99 also, and tried to release an intro at
- The Party 9. After that I haven't heard from them. I'm not sure it's still
- alive.«»
- «»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Skapel«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Bigfoot«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»DEPTH:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- The group got founded back in 1993 and most people know them because they
- took over the EuroChart from Static Bytes, and have impressed by releasing
- issue 28 to 43. The latest issues have been in cooperation with IRIS, which now have
- taken over the mag entirely. Depth also have members
- in Finland, Norway and England. They are known to do some crazy things
- now and then. The member Curt Cool has started an ambitious project to gather
- all scene-modules and composers in a BIG archive by the way. Help him! At
- the Trsac 3 party Depth released the demo Bizzare Love Triangle in coop
- with Haujobb and TRSI. The next release from Depth should be a new musicpack.«»
- «»
- «al»Homepage: www.depth.org«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»EuroChart, CoolTunes, Vi Elsker Darkhawk, Kryptonite and Dansktoppen 8 Intro.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Bucko, Curt Cool, Cytron, Folcka, Gizmoduck, Presence and
- Quedax.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»DEQUE:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This is another fun-group which appeared at The Scene Meeting 2000 with the
- mindblasting intro Pickles, hehe.
- Nothing much to say about the group, just that it consists of some other members
- in a group beginning of D.... :)«»
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- «ac»«c6»EFREET:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- A small group which you don't hear from too often. But when you do, you know it's good.
- The intro Deep Pan for instance had lots of good routines and a good precalculation of music.
- The most famous member got to be the coder-wizard BlueBerry which is a double-member as he's
- also in Loonies. They are often seen at the Danish parties.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Deep Pan, Peanut and Splat II«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»BlueBerry and Lemmus«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»FOCUS DESIGN:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- They arranged the South-Sealand party-series, and released some good intros.
- Last production I saw from them was the intro for EC 39. However, it's
- reported that the group is dead now. At least Corial has sold his amiga.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Count Zero, Ego, FFFF, Newt and Pulp.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Corial and Optima«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This is a group which has existed for a very long time (perhaps the oldest
- danish group that can be considered to be alive or...?). At least the group
- got founded back in 1991, and have released many funny productions ever since.
- The codework always seem to be good. The last time I saw something from them
- was at the Trsac 3 party in the middle of October, where they released
- Megademo $d.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»De Åndedes Hus, Der Grune Punkt, Ocean, Megademo, Wait 4k and
- Waiting for Goraud.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Kollaps aka various handles and Dr.Who.«»
- «»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»HAUJOBB:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- The Danish side of Haujobb the latest years, has been the coder
- Optima. At the TRSAC 3 party in the middle of October, he released another
- demo. It's called Bizzare Love Triangle and came second in the compo.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Production: «c2»Bizzare Love Triangle and MegaDemo 2000.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Member: «c2»Optima«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»IRIS:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This is one of the oldest groups in the scene today. They have been very
- active the latest years and released many quality productions. IRIS members
- usually also attend many parties, and arrange the Scene Meeting themselves.
- In addition to the Danish members, they have a few members in countries such
- as Great Britain, Poland, Sweden and Norway.
- They have taken over the EuroChart from Depth, and have
- become a coop partner in D.I.S.C.. IRIS got to be one of the leading
- danish crews and can also be considered to be a good group in international standard.
- The latest releases in addition to D.I.S.C., is Noise From Heaven 3
- released earlier this month, a 4k intro called
- Kukabwlargh, released at TRSAC3 in the middle of October last year and the slideshow
- The Puppets released in the middle of September. They're reported to be
- working on a demo for the Mekka-Symposium party.«»
- «»
- «al»Homepage: www.irishq.dk«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Kilkenny, Quest, Swift, Brutal, Exposure, EuroChart,
- Poem, I-Surf, Light, Noise From Heaven, The Puppets and Abecedarian.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Adonis, Darkhawk, Dr.Doom, Nutman and TrickTrax.«»
- «ac»«c6»LOONIES:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This was a group which got founded nearly 7 years ago, and now has achieved to become
- one of the very best groups at the scene. Especially the latest demos and a certain
- musicdisk have got attention.
- They are known to have some weird-style or deal with themes
- in their productions, and are also present at most parties. I think all members
- are from Denmark. They have also been very active lately, and won both the SM party and MS party
- in 2000
- with Cybercinematastic and Arla, in addition to the TRSAC2 with At The Movies demo.
- At Mekka-Symposium last year they managed to come second with their
- Hotstyle Takeover demo. The last amiga release from Loonies before the TRSAC
- 3 party, was the invitation intro to promote TRSAC 3. At TRSAC 3 they won the
- intro competiton with their 4k intro simply called Faar K. And the last
- release from Loonies on amiga so far, is the sample engine used in
- Impossible and SuperDrug.«»
- «»
- «al»Homepage: www.loonies.dk«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Goatraince, Valhalla, Cybercinematastic, Impossible, SuperDrug,
- The Morning Trip, At The Movies, Hotstyle Takeoevr and Arla.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Bifrost, BlueBerry, Farfar, Laika and Psycho.«»
- «ac»«c6»SCARAB:«»
- «»
- «as»«as»«c7»- This German based group has now also got a member in Denmark. It's
- Puryx! His latest appearances were probably at the TRSAC 3 party where he came third in
- the MP3 compo with the tune Undefined Universe, and at the Kindergarden
- party with the module Fairylike.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Member: «c2»Puryx.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»SCOOPEX:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- Boogeyman left the scene. And Decoy is reported to be inactive, and
- have now been removed from the Scoopex memberslist. I don't
- know if there are any other members left or if they have released anything
- lately. Optima left for Haujobb some years ago.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Member: «c2»Decoy.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»SPOON:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This is a group which got founded around early 1993 I think under the name
- Transonic, but fast renamed to sPOOn. On Amiga it had its best days around
- 1994/95 with a few intro releases and their Sound musicdisk. After Christine
- De La Queen left the scene, the group hasn't got so much attention. The
- group is very small nowadays with 3 members I think, and the coder
- Shayera is mostly making PC productions now I guess.«»
- «»
- «al»Homepage: http://spoon.n3.net«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Sound, Spni -001, 9 and Why.«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»Dreyer and Shayera.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»SUMPEN:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This group consists of 3 danes. What they have made, if anything, I'm
- not sure. At least the coder Bigfoot is among the members.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»"Well-Known" Members: «c2»Argh, Bigfoot and Fido.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»S0HESTEN:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This is one of the newer Danish groups. They got founded in 1998 and released
- a couple of demos back then. After that I'm not sure if they have released anything.
- They are reported to be DEAD now anyway.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known ex.Members: «c2»Trez and 3D?«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Productions: «c2»Dansk Lokal and Blind Af Druk.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»THE BEERZ:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- This is the newest Danish fun-group. The members were present at TRSAC2 and
- released an oldschool production which came second in the competition.«»
- «»
- «al»«c5»Well-Known Members: «c2»NC.Biermeister (aka Trez)?«»
- «»
- «c5»Well-Known Production: «c2»Noget fedt«»
- «»
- «ac»«c6»UNIQUE:«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»- They did Dansktoppen in cooperation with Cromatics, and released a few intros.
- Cupid left to join IRIS. If Puryx is still a member even though he also
- joined Scarab or if the group has faded away, is unknown to me.«»
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